Wednesday, July 20, 2011

10 Years Later

When I was in college I dreamed life would be better. I tried, I really did, but I don't think I made any progress. But I have learned that life is unfair and can be cruel. However, I am still blessed in many ways. I just wish I weren't so lonely...

Sunday, July 17, 2011

The Good Life

Here is my list of what it would take to lead a good life:

1. Finding the right woman to share my life with
2. Being able to generate passive income / Take care of my family & close friends
3. Being healthy - This probably should be #1
4. Doing work that can help others and benefit society
5. Raising healthy and happy kids


Monday, July 4, 2011

July 4th

Thank you to all the men and women in the US Armed Forces for their bravery and sacrifice! And thank you for giving us another day off to drink, BBQ and hang with friends watching fireworks and eating ice cream.

Sunday, July 3, 2011


Just came back from an oceanfront wedding. The scenery could not have been more perfect. At first, I didn't want to go because of the cost. But seeing my high school buddy so happy was worth it. My 3 other buddies who also attended were basically married as well. I felt a bit alone but realized that hey, I'm a late bloomer and my time will come soon enough. No rush. Congrats to my main man Johnny.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Worst Moments in Life

1. When you see your father cry and realize like you, he is flawed and doesn't always know what to do.

2. When you realize everything you ever believed in (i.e. friendship, relationships, the world) is Bullshit and you have to change, maybe for the worst.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

The Real Treasure is Inside You

Inner Game

People always say, "Be yourself. Have confidence." What a bunch of useless garbage. Isn't it obvious that when are yourself and things don't work out, that you NEED to CHANGE? Because being "yourself" doesn't work. If it did you wouldn't have the problem. What we need to say is "Be your BEST SELF." If you don't like something about yourself, take steps to make change.

It is not like I can just go to the grocery store and pick up a pack of confidence on the shelf. Confidence comes from doing, from have competence in a particular area. It takes endless repetition and PATIENCE.